Love, Joy, Peace...

Please fill out the form below, giving us the contact information that you would like us to have. The information you provide will only be used for church purposes and will allow us to contact you as needed.

Our online church directory can only be seen by those in our church family who have registered an email address and password with us. Therefore, the general public does not have access to our church directory and cannot view your information.

An updated picture for the directory will be... (Required)
Please choose one
emailed to the church office.
please take a picture of me/us on a Sunday morning.
Do you give us permission to list your family picture, name, address, phone number, birthday (month/day only) and email address in our online directory? Only our church family has access to this information. (Required)
Choose YES or NO below. You can turn on or off any of these options in the online directory.
Head of Household First and Last Name (Required)
Head of Household Birthday (Required)
Month/Day/Year - Year will not be displayed in Directory
Head of Household Cell Phone (Required)
Add this cell number to the following text groups:
Do not text this number.
Add this number to the LOOP text group to receive updates.
Add this number to the PRAY text group to receive prayer requests.
Head of Household Email Address (Required)
Can we send our weekly newsletter to this email? (Required)
Choose YES or NO below.
Head of Household Church Relationship (Required)
Please choose one from the checklist
Regular Attender
Occasional Attender
Does Not Attend
Wedding Anniversary
Month/Day/Year - Year will not be displayed in Directory
Spouse First and Last Name
Spouse Birthday
Month/Day/Year - Year will not be displayed in Directory
Spouse Cell Phone
Add this cell number to the following text groups:
Do not text this number.
Add this number to the LOOP text group to receive updates.
Add this number to the PRAY text group to receive prayer requests.
Spouse Email Address
Can we send our weekly newsletter to this email?
Choose YES or NO below.
Spouse Church Relationship
Please choose one from the checklist
Regular Attender
Occasional Attender
Does Not Attend
Mailing Address (Required)
Address, City, State, Zip
Physical Address
If different than mailing address
First Child's Name
List children college age and younger still living in your home.
First Child's Birthday
Month/Day/Year - Year will not be displayed in Directory
Second Child's Name
Second Child's Birthday
Month/Day/Year - Year will not be displayed in Directory
Third Child's Name
Third Child's Birthday
Month/Day/Year - Year will not be displayed in Directory
Fourth Child's Name
Fourth Child's Birthday
Fifth Child's Name
Fifth Child's Birthday
Sixth Child's Name
Sixth Child's Birthday
List Any Additional Children Here With Birthdays
List the cell phone numbers and email addresses of your older children here so our Children and Youth Teams can stay in touch..
Use child's first name before listing contact information.
Crete Berean Church
395 County Road 2500, Crete, NE 68333
Copyright © 2024 ChurchTrac Software, Inc.