Love, Joy, Peace...

AWANA is a kids club that helps kids build character and connects them with Christ. We meet Wednesday evenings during the school year from 6:30pm to 8:00pm. The club is divided into four different groups by age/grade:

Cubbies:  3 y/o – Pre-K

Sparks:  K-2nd grade

T&T:  3rd-6th grade

Each club night the kids will be taught character through Bible lessons and stories, and studying and memorizing Bible verses. The leaders engage the clubbers with personal relationships and teaching moments.

There is also a Game time, full of activities like: Dodgeball, Capture The Flag, Steal The Bacon, airplane folding and flying contest, Giant Cup Stacking.

Throughout the year are many theme nights where the kids get to dress up (favor sport, hero, western night, etc.), or bring something (favorite stuffed animal, parents' night, penny drive for a charity/missionary/cause, etc.), or eat (pizza night, root beer float night, M&M night, etc.)

Below is more information about registering your kids followed by the registration form. This online registration makes it simple for everyone. 


To register your children (ages 3-6th grade) for Awana Clubs, please fill out the form below. Thank you for allowing us to assist you in the spiritual formation of your children. If you ever have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask. You can visit our club meetings any Wednesday night to check us out and/or to ask questions. 

In our Awana clubs, we use study books and a uniform. The study books are used for teaching and memorizing God's Word and the uniform displays the awards that are earned as students progress through their study book. We ask families to purchase books and uniforms, but there is no additional cost for the awards earned or the special food nights.


Scholarships have been provided for families that might find the cost to be more than they can handle right now. We simply ask that you pay what you can, we'll cover the rest.

Here are the prices for the study books and uniforms for this year:

  • All study books for all clubs are $15. 
  • Uniform Vests for Cubbies (Pre-k 2 and Pre-k 1) and Sparks (K-2nd) are $15.
  • Jersey style shirts for T&T (3rd-6th) are $20 (T&T green shirts are now used for all 4 years)

Uniforms come in the following sizes: Child S 4, Child M 5, Child L 6, Child XL 8, Child XXL 10, Youth S 10, Youth M 12, Youth L 14, Adult S, Adult M, Adult L, Adult XL.

We look forward to serving your family this year in Awana!

Pastor Dan

Once you have filled in the boxes for all your children, scroll to the bottom of this form and click the SUBMIT button. 

Names of Parents (Required)
First and last names please
Family Street Address (Required)
Street Address, PO Box, etc
City (Required)
State (Required)
Zip (Required)
Primary Contact Cell Phone Number (Required)
This will be the primary contact number
Secondary Contact Cell Phone Number
This will be the secondary contact number
Email Address (Required)
Our primary means of communication with you
Emergency Phone Number if we cannot reach you
Relationship of Emergency Contact Person
Father, mother, grandparent, friend, etc.
Church currently attending
Leave blank if you do not have a church home
Tell us about any allergies, medications or special needs of your children we need to know about.
Shirt sizes for your children
Please list your children with shirt sizes if a uniform is needed. Shirts sizes are listed above.
Would you be interested in someone explaining how you can volunteer to serve in Awana?
Choose yes or no
Child 1 first and last name (Required)
Child 1 birthday (Required)
Child 1 gender (Required)
Child 1 grade in school (Required)
Choose from list
Child 2 first and last name
Child 2 birthday
Child 2 gender
Child 2 grade in school
Choose from list
Child 3 first and last name
Child 3 birthday
Child 3 gender
Child 3 grade in school
Choose from list
Child 4 first and last name
Child 4 birthday
Child 4 gender
Child 4 grade in school
Choose from list
Child 5 first and last name
Child 5 birthday
Child 5 gender
Child 5 grade in school
Choose from list
Child 6 first and last name
Child 6 birthday
Child 6 gender
Child 6 grade in school
Choose from list