Love, Joy, Peace...
  • We believe God has always existed and created all things according to his perfect plan.

Therefore we will submit to His authority and live according to His plan.

  • We believe Jesus is God and the only way to the Father.

Therefore we will lead others to Jesus and grow in a personal relationship with Him.

  • We believe God the Holy Spirit draws people to Jesus, then equips and empowers them for service.

Therefore we will serve others so that He may use our gifts to change lives.

  • We believe the Bible is God’s authoritative truth and reveals His heart.

Therefore we will share His truth with others as we draw near to God through His word.

  • We believe the Church is the Body of Christ through which God reaches and develops His followers.

Therefore we will embrace the church, engaging with others in God’s work.

  • We believe worship is honoring God by how we live.

Therefore we will meditate on His truth, speak with grace, act in mercy, and humbly serve.

  • We believe prayer is interaction with a powerful, caring God for His glory and our good.

Therefore we will pray expectantly, thanking God for his provision, protection and empowering presence.